Now, its January 7, so I'm really over the whole New Years Resolution thing-- I don't generally make them and I didn't make any this year. However, I'm all about improvement and happiness and trying to make my life what I want it to be (gosh, I sound like Oprah). But, I've decided I'm going to make a similar decision for this year. I'm expecting a whole lot of changes in the coming year, and most of you know how badly I detest change-- its one of the reasons I'm in this situation right now-- I'm so afraid of changing anything that I wait till things get absolutely awful and I have no other options but to change. Anyway, all this to say that I'm going to be blogging every single day from now on-- come rain, sleet, snow or shine. Or, in MS, humidity, heat, sweat and more heat. Its my promise to you, dear readers. I cannot promise that it will be interesting, or even slightly witty, but it will be something. I will do the very best I can to make sure I blog about something, preferably, something fun and funny and interesting and good that happened that day.
So, in an effort to start things off right, and to begin at the beginning, and since its January 7, I will do 7 mini-blogs here and now to "catch up".

1. I love ANGEL. Its one of my favorite tv shows and I'm watching an episode right now. I love love love David Boreanaz. I tend to get on a tv show kick and watch all the episodes and read on-line recaps of each episode in order, etc., until I am sick of a show. Right now, I've been totally into NCIS-- I LOVE that show. However, for various reasons, I'm a bit sick of the whole military/Marine/Navy/damaged soldier/PTSD/hide your feelings/etc. aspect of the show. So, I'm taking a bit of a break from it for now. So, I've been tivoing Angel episodes to watch when I need something mindless in the background. I like that-- having a show I've watched a thousand times on in the background while I work, read, clean, get ready for bed, etc. At various points in my life I've watched CSI:Miami, NCIS, Angel, Stargate Atlantis, Judging Amy, Stargate: SG1, Saved by the Bell, Boy Meets World, Gilmore Girls and Trading Spaces. I've literally seen every single episode of each of those shows a dozen times. I'm back on Angel now. Any other suggestions for mindless tv entertainment?

2. Next week is my Miss America Pageant Party. I think its somewhere along my 8th Annual or something. It gets a bit confusing because a couple times I've had a Miss Mississippi party in addition to the Miss America party and at least once, I didn't have the party, I just went over to Jackson and watched it with Katherine and Courtney, but I still count that as a party, even if I didn't host it. This years party has snuck up on me and I'm beginning to panic that I cannot get everything done, but I'm sure it will all come together. At this point, I'll just be thankful to wake up in the morning and watch the show that night-- decorations, party favors, and food aren't even priorities.
3. I've lost my camera charger so I'm unable to download my pictures from the last few weeks. Its really frustrating-- I keep thinking I'll find it when I finally clean my room up, but still no luck!!!
4. Parker has fleas. Its ridiculously annoying-- I'm attempting to wash all the bed sheets and comforters, pillows and blankets, as well as spray that stinky stuff everywhere she tends to hang out (which is to say, all over the house) and I've got two houses to do this-- mine and the Newton house. Its overwhelming.
5. My Christmas tree is, as of now, still up. I'm hoping to get it all up this weekend. Its overwhelming as well, and I didn't even put up as many decorations as last year!!!
6. I got the following books for Christmas and I'm super excited to start reading them:

7. I'm really nervous about making this commitment-- I tend to be very bad a long-time commitments and right now in my life, a week or so of good decisions is all I'm truly capable of. But I think its time to focus on all the really good things in my life and change the bad things, and this might be the best way I know to do that. So, avid readers, keep me encouraged and let me know if you like this idea or what you'd like me to write about, etc. I've always relied on the kindness of strangers, or in this case, friends.
1 comment:
I think you should pick a year and stick to it when it comes to which year this is. Also, the Miss Mississippi party can just be "The Miss Mississippi party, brought to you by The Miss America Party foundation" That way people know it is quality, because it is done by the same people who run the MAP, not just some random individuals.
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