My cousin Emilee is a fabulous girl. She's tall (that matters to short people like me), she's got a super cute house, a fabulous cousin (me!), patience to spare, understanding and kindness to boot. She's always been known as the "nicest" one in the family, which, to be fair, isn't that much of an honor since some people (ahem, Ju) in our family aren't very nice at all. Em's a great listener and she's never judgmental-- even when she totally disapproves of what you are doing, she will get her point across without being ugly about it! She's also proven here recently that she's stronger than anyone ever knew, she's more confident than ever before, and she's wiser than most people give her credit for. In short, she's fabulous.
Yesterday, Emilee earned a couple more jewels in her crown when she accompanied me, on a Sunday afternoon, to the Urgent Care Clinic. Its about as fun as you can imagine but we had a pretty great time just catching up on things and laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Em's headed to nursing school at William Carey in a few short weeks, so she's all about medical stuff. (She's also super into creepy, gory true life murder books and tv shows, but we cannot all be perfect.) Luckily for Em, one of my ailments yesterday was a pretty stopped up ear canal, and the remedy was a good, old fashioned ear cleaning. The nice nurse let Em check out the before and after of my ear canals (YUCK!) and Em was overly excited for such a gross reason, but it made her happy, so I was glad I could provide some form of entertainment, as humiliating, and, rather painful, as it may have been for me personally.
I'm super lucky to have Em in my life, and these past few months, we've grown even closer for a variety of reasons (most not so good), but I think God knew what He was doing to throw us both into these circumstances-- where we could lean on each other and grow much closer!
I'm blessed to have a family that I'm very close with (as my friend Courtney says, its cute how I actually LIKE being with my family) and some of the best times in my life have been sitting around my house or Em's house or Ju's house or Waffle House (see previous post) and laughing till my stomach hurt about nothing at all. We just all get each other and there is nothing I like more than to see something funny or hear something funny and look at my brother or sister or Em or whoever in my family and just KNOW that they saw the exact same thing and they are thinking the same thing as me, without saying a word. It makes me feel close to them even when they aren't near.
Emilee and I totally get each other and I love love love laughing with her! We've had a great time together-- I've gone to visit her a couple times when she lived in Fayetteville (my second favorite SEC town!), we gone to the mountains for Christmas this year and in years past, New Orleans, beach trips, Oxford weekends-- its always fun!
Emilee makes a mean hamburger steak, listens to the strangest variety of music I've ever seen (Chopin or T-Pain, anyone?), and loves Gilmore Girls almost as much as I do! She's a bit OCD and takes a really long time to get ready, but she's beautiful and funny and strong and I'm lucky to have her in my life! Here are some recent pictures of us:

All dressed up with somewhere to go-- Commander's Palace in New Orleans!

Christmas caroling
At the pumpkin patch this past fall.
With Betsy in August-- for their birthdays.
With Aunt Ju in the Grove last football season!
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