
Sunday, July 31, 2011

# 178 For there's no other way...

"Trust and Obey" is one of my favorite hymns.  I love hymns.  I love to sing.  I've heard that I have a beautiful voice.  To be fair, I heard that when I said it out loud the other day to Parker.  She ignored me and went into the kitchen.  Ok, so I don't have a great voice.  Not my problem.  I still love to sing.  And I love singing hymns-- it reminds me of going to church with my grandparents when I was younger-- he preached in small, country churches and they did lots of singing and lots of eating.  Good singing and good eating. 

Today, we sang that song to end the service at FBC, Cleveland.  That's where I've been going, when I'm in town, now that I'm a Delta girl.  Check out their website here.  Its a great church and I'm really enjoying going there and meeting some of the people, especially my Sunday School class! 

We did the Lord's Supper early in the service and then the pastor, Dr. Park Neff, had a fantastic sermon on the angel who saved Peter from prison.  It was really good and I thought he did a great job.  I learned a lot and I really enjoyed worshiping God today!
However, I have a problem.  I didn't know it was a problem until today.  It distracted me to the point of frustration and I had to pray for this to stop bothering me, and luckily for me, the deacon on the first row, shifted in his seat at that time and I was no longer faced with it.

It was this:

The little gold platters that hold the pieces of bread and that hold the little juice cups.  Every church has them and I've participated in the Lord's Supper many, many times.  Its never bothered me before, but I can guarantee you that I will always notice this from now on...

Apparently, FBC Cleveland has only invested in 9 gold platters to hold the drink for the Lord's Supper.  They have an even number of platters for the bread, but an odd number for the little cups of juice.  And they put these, like most churches, in two stacks while the preacher is speaking about the Lord's Supper and what it means to the church.  But 9 platters doesn't divide equally into 2 stacks!!!!  They are uneven!  I sat there, looking at them, staring at them, really, really, really wanting to go up to the front and divide these into three stacks of three!  Its so stressful!  I'm a tiny bit OCD!!!

My siblings are also OCD.  Nicholas is the worst-- he's obsessed with having everything in order and straight.  He'd get so angry if anything on his desk or in his room was messed up, and he had to have everything in a group-- for example, when he would get, say little collectible helmets for all the MLB teams, he had to have ALL of them-- if even one was missing, it was unacceptable.  He also obsessively collects things like magazines and notebook paper.  Betsy's not quite as bad but for many, many years, she would obsessively divide words-- she would take whatever word you said and, in her mind, divide it up to make it "even"-- like if you were talking and mentioned the world "banana", that would divide into "ban" and "ana", and those were both even, so it was ok.  But if you said "apple", that didn't divide out as easily.  Sometimes she would add two words together or take away a contraction to make it be even.  I don't know if she still does this, but she was ridiculously fast at figuring out the words and the syllables and it was still very weird. 

I also would type things in my head (and, sometimes, with my right hand) and go over and over how exactly you would type this on a keyboard and see how fast I could do it in my head.  My cousin Em's got some serious OCD tendencies so it totally runs in the family.  I'm not sure why-- none of our parents exhibit any of these type behaviors.  That I know of. 

But, as much as I already love FBC Cleveland, I know that I'm going to have to be more careful.  From now on, days when we do the Lord's Supper, I will need to sit closer to the back so I cannot see how the plates are divided on the table.  Its too upsetting. 


Karin Bowen said...

It would have completely bothered me too! Even numbers are a must! Still no blog about Football Forum? I can't believe it!

Betsy said...

I count how many steps I take in between cracks when I am walking on the sidewalk. Sentences were what I divided to make them even.

I am so weird. <<that sentence is an even # of letters.

Jessica is extremely weird.<< that sentence is uneven!