
Monday, July 11, 2011

# 169 Something funny...

Today's been a weird day-- it was my first Monday off from work, now that I'm doing the "compressed schedule".  I will have every other Monday off, and in turn, I will work an extra hour or so each day (stay 30 minutes later and take a 30 minute shorter lunch).  Its going to be really fun, and I'm excited for when I want to take a long weekend and go do something super cool.  But today, in concert with missing so much work last week, and the after effects of all the medicine, it was sort of a letdown.  I woke up early with a bad headache, and the best thing I could think of (this week-- er, last week-- I'm behind!--  in my Frazzled Female Bible Study, the topic was being positive about everyday stresses, being joyful in everyday situations, etc.) was that at least a bad headache hit on a day when I could sleep late!  And sleep late I did, and I've basically done nothing of great substance all day except cook some food so I could freeze it and eat it another day when I didn't feel like cooking.

Parker's been super itchy lately (allergies, poor thing...) and, vet's orders were to give her a bit of a benadryl.  So, if you were looking in my kitchen window earlier today (and, if you were, weird!!), and you saw me grinding up some white powder on a pink paper plate, don't think I was doing anything illegal.  I do all my illegal drug organizing in my guest room, anyway.  Nope, I was drugging my sweet dog.  I'm not sure it worked.  She's been a bit out of it all day-- we went outside for a long time and then she stayed out in the backyard for over an hour, panting and sweating like crazy.  I had to pick her up and bring her inside and then I couldn't get her to drink any water, but instead, she followed me everywhere I went all day long.  She's scratched on the doors all day, trying to get me to let her back outside (she never does this!).  And then she's laid in unusual places and not eaten anything.  I guess its the drugs.  Poor thing.  At least she's not itching!  She's currently lying on the couch beside me, taking up a lot of room.  She's so sweet!

Anyway, I'd really have much rather been at work today, catching up after last week, or do something productive, but I didn't get a whole lot done, except the aforementioned cooking, some DVR clearing, and one craft project (pictures to come when its finished).  I'm glad for a slow day, but I'll be glad tomorrow when I can get back to work.  If there is anything I've learned this last year, its that an idle mind wreaks havoc on me.  Not a good thing. 

So, to end the day on a positive note, a little funny I got off pinterest.  Love it!!!

This isn't the letter we're looking for. 

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