
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

# 164 I Guess a Change, a Change, Would Do You Good...

One year ago today, a lot in my life changed. Technically, it all really changed one year ago yesterday but I didn't get the memo until one year ago today, July 6th. Regardless, life as I know it changed. I'm not going to go into the gory, boring details, but many of you know most of the details. My family has always been the closest thing in the world to me-- I love them. They drive me crazy, but I love them. They get me. Thank goodness someone does! And last year, at this time, someone in my family made a life-changing decision which affected everyone I care about. This started off a domino-effect in my life, until everything that once was, is now different. Pretty much everything in my life is entirely different than one year ago.

Anyway, last year, on July 4th, I had a great time with my entire family, or at least most of my entire family. Right after this, a lot changed. Its kinda amazing when I think back to one year ago. Lots of things have changed in the last year.

-- My sister has moved to Franklin, TN and has a brand new job.

-- I've gotten to know Peter, my sister's better half, a whole lot better and I adore him!

-- I've finally admitted to myself and to the world that I really disliked being a solo attorney. This was something I knew for a long time, but never said out loud!

-- I've found a new job which I really, really like.

-- I've left my homes in Laurel and Newton and Parker and I moved several hours away to the Mississippi Delta.

-- I've decided I LOVE the Delta and all its elements.

-- My brother moved into a house in Oxford, and is all grown up and mature and all.

-- I've gotten health insurance, and dental and optical insurance-- I can totally get sick now!!!

-- I've found the world's most amazing piece of art on television-- My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

-- I've lost a good friend, someone who was a part of my family, and watched as his decisions hurt my entire family.

-- I've quit the LRMA Guild and Laurel Junior Auxiliary, both organizations I loved.

-- I've left FBC, Laurel, and all my sweet GA girls, whom I love dearly and miss incredibly.

-- I've made some new friends, and have lost a few older ones.

-- I went to the happiest place on Earth-- Disneyworld!

-- I've made myself stick to a budget (sorta stick to one, anyway!)

-- I've realized how incredibly loved I am. My friends have gone above and beyond all expectations of friendships.

-- I've gotten out of a really negative relationship.

-- I was able to go back to Gatlinburg with my family for Christmas.

-- I've learned so much about myself-- both good and bad. (I know, its surprising that there is anything bad about me, but its true. Not many bad things, but some!!)

-- I've battled depression and won. Mostly.

-- I've tried to blog everyday.

-- I've not blogged everyday.

-- I've watched as a lot of things changed in my families' lives-- both good and bad.

I'm not the same as I was a year ago. I'm sure none of you readers are, but it seems to me that this last year has brought more changes to my life than any other one-year period before. Generally, I hate change. I hate it. I like things to stay the same way, no matter what. I've resisted change in jobs, family, friendships, life, etc., as hard as I could and yet this year, there was nothing I could do to stop these changes! Someone once said that she hates change and she "waits and waits to make a change until its under the worst possible circumstances." She was entirely right. I made a lot of these changes in the last year only because I had to-- I was literally at the bottom and changes had to be made or else I'd never get back up.

This blog is a mix of reminiscing and nostalgia, plus some pain medicine, I'm sure. Regardless, one year ago, a lot changed, and it was some pretty painful changes. But, looking back, I know this is exactly where God wanted me to be this year. God has taught me more this year than ever before, and I am REALLY excited to see where I will be one year from today. I can only imagine. Perhaps it will be anyone of these things:

-- My parents will get a new dog and Parker will get an aunt or an uncle.

-- I will get my couch recovered in green velvet.

-- I will get a huge raise.

-- I will be able to pay off all my debt.

-- I will adopt a Korean baby girl.

-- I will go to Disneyworld.

-- I will have enough money to rent my own cabin for Gatlinburg so my family can stay somewhere else.

-- I will learn more about the Blues!

-- I will do really good at my new job.

-- My blog will become super huge and I will be able to quit my day job!

So readers, thanks for sticking with me this year. I'm excited to see what new things this next year brings.


Smelling Coffee said...

Hi Jessica~ I'm just finding your blog. Wow - this was a huge year for you. I've been praying for you and am glad that amid the changes, God brought you here. He has special things instore for your todays and for your tomorrows.

Love you~

Betsy said...

Best blog by far! This definitely was a huge year of changes for you and Em, and me as well! I am all grown up now with a big girl job! Love you!