
Friday, February 4, 2011

# 34 - #35 Oops, I did it again....

Last night, I was so very tired, and I totally forgot to post! I'm surprised its taken this long. The last week I've only had internet on my phone, so my blogs have been kinda boring (I've had a few complaints!).

In my defense, I've been doing a lot of traveling these past couple weeks.

First, I headed up to Nashville with my mom, Em, and Aunt Ju to visit Betsy and celebrate Aunt Ju's 50th Birthday! I took lots of pictures on my camera, but I've lost my camera cord that connects to the computer. Remember how a couple weeks ago, I'd lost my camera battery charger? Well, I found it, and then, in its place, lost the camera cord. So, till I find that, I can take pictures but not download them. As opposed to a few weeks ago when I couldn't take pictures but could download them if the camera would turn on (which it wouldn't). Thus, I've co-opted a few of Em's pictures from facebook and am using them.

Aunt Ju blowing out her candles at BB's in Franklin-- we had dinner with Betsy and her cool boyfriend Peter-- it was a fun night!!

Saturday we did some major shopping downtown-- Em and I found this pretty cool bookstore with mostly used and old books. I could live in a bookstore like that one! I especially enjoying slowly perusing the upstairs main room while listening to two hipsters discussing their favorite poetry and also how different directors can make certain movies "their own". For example, Tim Burton's "aesthetic" is really movies like Alice in Wonderland and Sleepy Hollow- he just "makes" those kind of movies come from within him "organically". It was hilariously pretentious.

Em found herself a hippie Stranger Danger van:

After I got back from Nashville, my driving tour of the South wasn't quite complete. After court in Jones County Monday, I headed to Decatur, where I then headed to Coahoma County-- Clarksdale. I took a couple rather interesting detours on the way (I got lost) but I finally made it there. I'll be explaining my trip to Clarksdale another time (for those who don't already know-- its not something I'm wanting to talk about a whole lot right now).

I actually passed this:

Tuesday I left Clarksdale and headed, in the pouring rain, to Hernando. I actually drove past this guy in the picture:

From there, I decided to avoid the pouring rain as much as possible and drove over to my happy place, Oxford. I got to see Nicholas and his roommate Dillon for a few minutes. They were headed to the Ole Miss-KY basketball game, which I decided not to go to, and then regretted that decision when Ole Miss won! However, I decided to forego the basketball game and crash with my friend Courtney in Tupelo. We ate at one of my favorite places-- Vanellis. Unfortunately I was unable to find any pictures of Vanellis, but its so good-- you should all go there when you vacay in Tupelo, ok? Trust me. We had a good time and at one point, a random scraggly man with long gray hair came up to us, spoke to us, asked us if we were enjoying the meal, and shook Courtney's hand. Then, he turned to me and shook my hand and then PINCHED MY CHEEK and walked away. Like I was a cute five-year old (which I really did used to be). It was hilarious. And apparently, that was the owner. Mr. Vanelli or something himself. I nearly died. From now on, that's how I'm going to greet people. By pinching their cheek. Watch out.

From Tupelo, I headed back to Laurel Wednesday morning for a LJA lunch meeting about Gala and church. That night, it was back to Newton so I could be closer to Chancery Court in Neshoba County (Philadelphia, casino, not cheesesteak) Thursday morning. Yesterday, I had an appointment in Bay Springs that got cancelled thanks to the ice, but not before I had already driven down there, so I went on to Laurel to get some work done there. Now, I'm back in Decatur working and dreaming of my nice warm bed with my sweet Parker. I plan on doing no driving all weekend. So don't call me and ask me to drive anywhere-- not even to Vics for a biscuit. Instead, you bring it to me!

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