Just kidding, guys, too much family fun never gives me a headache. It actually gives me a migrane and an ulcer. Never just a simple headache.
Actually, thats not entirely true. I do love my family. Sometimes I even like them as well. As a friend once commented, "Aww, I always forget that you actually LIKE spending time with your family. Thats so sweet."
However, lately, we've had all sorts of family fun because my sweet sister is getting married! Sweet Betsy is marrying sweet (and incredibly patient, understanding, and forgiving) Peter. So, twice now this year, I've packed up the Sweetest Girl Parker and we've headed to Nashville for some fancy parties. The first time, in February, Nick rode along as well. Which made Parker a bit cranky. She likes to be able to move about the car and sit where she desires and having Nicholas sit in one of her spots was annoying. I think he felt the same way about her.
The party was a Tool Party for Peter given by some friends of the Smith family and it was a lot of fun. I didn't take any pictures, so I have no actual proof that I went (though I did watch them open presents, which is more than I can say for one of my siblings.) But, after the party, Nick and I headed home but first, we had to stop at a fun little coffee shop to get Nick a fix. He's always looking for the cool, hipster-y places to go and, as cool, hipster-y places go, this one was a lot of fun- Hot and Cold. Cleverly named for its one stop shop for coffee and ice cream, it was a pretty fun place. These are the only pictures I took of the entire weekend!
Nicholas checking out the ice cream offerings. |
At first I was really offended at someone offering to grab me, but once Nick told me that Paleta is ice cream, I calmed down. Kids these days-- fancy names for everything. Next thing you know, we'll be using phones without cords and owning flying cars. |
My salted caramel paleta and Nick's some type of regular old, boring, no fancy named ice cream. What a loser. Right after this picture, he took a photo of his own, and gave it an instagram filter. We are so cool its not even funny.
The second time I went to Nashville, I did better about taking pictures, as I always learn from my mistakes. I went back to Nashville this past weekend for Betsy's "Girl's Shower" that was No Boys Allowed and was the type of fun, frilly, cool shower my sister deserves and her friends excel at giving.
Now let me go on record as saying that one of the best things about the Carr-Smith wedding might be that I've gotten to be closer to Betsy's friends. Mostly because we are stuck sitting around bridal shops, debating out ecru v. mother of pearl white lace to go on the bottom of the sleeve, or making faces at the bride when she brings up, for the 47th time, the color of the toothpicks to be placed on the food table, or running interference when the Bride and the MOB (Mother of the Bride) get in a knock down, drag out fight over the invitations. Anyway, the other Bridesmaids and I have really bonded. Sort of like how people in a hostage situation bond with each other, or how survivors of a horrific bus crash still get together annually, 20 years later or something. Its a way to keep their humanity and survive in a terrible situation. Like a wedding.
But seriously, I've really enjoyed getting to know these girls a lot better. And, more importantly, they are very glad to have gotten to know me. They are a lot of fun and I'm pretty sure I'm one of their favorite people. I know I'm their favorite member of the Carr family. Which isn't saying much. I know this cause we talk about it all the time. In front of Betsy. Its awesome.
One of the things I didn't know about them was how stinking cute their house is! Two of the girls live together with a third roommate and that was the setting for Betsy's "Girl's Shower" this weekend. And let me tell you, it is a great house. Super cute, and fun, just like those girls! Oh, to be a fun and beautiful twenty-something living in Nashville like these girls are (not just the two that live in that house-- all Betsy's friends are fun and gorgeous and sweet and smart! A good group!).
Here are some pictures of the shower. The first couple are just random ones of the cute house- they don't even begin to showcase how cute it is in person, but I wanted to share them anyway.
You cannot really tell from this picture, but the base of this lamp is a turtle shell. I don't know where they got it but its super fun! |
The foyer greeted us with a fresh drink and, more importantly to me and my Aunt Ju who were STARVING, some M&Ms! |
Betsy opening her presents. Or giving the MOB a weird look, you pick. Hanging off the mantle is a burlap "Mr. and Mrs." banner made by Betsy's roommate/Bridesmaid Lauren. All these girls are good at crafy stuff like that, though I forgot to ask Lauren how much it would be to make a "Parker loves Jessica" banner. Note to self: Do that next time. |
At first I thought I just did a really poor job of taking these people's pictures, but then I looked closer and remembered this picture was actually taken because of Charles- the cute dog in Kristina's lap. I've never met Charles before, but I liked him a lot. It wasn't just his classy red sweater that was very apropro for a snowy day in Nashville, but it was his cool, calm and collected demeanor. And then I found out that apprently Charles is a bit high strung, maybe, around people, so he was given some medicine to keep him calm. Which accounted for his half-drunken walks around the room, his eyeballs rolling back into his head and his relaxed smile while sitting in his mom's lap. It was so cute! I love Charles- he's like the coolest stoner dog ever!! |
From left to Right: Krisina's mom (and rumored decorator of the house), MOB, AOB (Aunt of the Bride Aunt Ju), Heidi (the coolest Delta girl I know), Betsy (yeah, she's cool too. I guess.), Mrs. Jane Smith (MOG and the nicest person in Nashville- always makes you feel welcome and like she's actually glad to see you!), Ms. Carmen (Daniel's mom- he's a groomsman), Danielle Smith (Furture Sister-in-Law of Betsy and mom to the best dressed kid in Central Tennessee), Kristina (bridesmaid and mom to Charles), Lauren (Bridesmaid/Roommate/Maker of this yummy crab dip I adored), Amenah (Move over, Betsy, I want A to be my bestie!), and Amanda (also lives in the cute house)
*Blogger's note-- I took this picture in my fancy Panorama Mode which is why Amenah's head look like its missing a large part and Amanda's arm is freakishly broken. They don't normally look like that. |
That's an "S" for "Sissy", right, Betsy? Or for "Sweetest Girl, Parker" |
A not very good photo of me wearing a bow in my hair. But I felt it was impotant for me to prove I was there and if you can't laugh at yourself wearing a silly bow in your hair for no reason, then what good is life, really? I picked up this habit from my friend Rebekah who always wore all gift bows in her hair for any gift-giving occassion- Christmas, birthday, Flag Day, etc. |
Here's Aunt Ju fixing her hair or something. We took like 5 of these pictures and this was the only one where she was actually looking at the camera. I've been working with her about pictures, so maybe next time I can get her to smile. |
And finally, after the shower was over, we drove less than a block down the road and saw this house. What? Don't recognize it? That's a shame cause it means you probably aren't watching the awesome show Nashville! Its Deacon's house! And, little known fact, the house right next door is the house Scarlett lives in on the show!
My weekend in Nashville is over and I'm safely back in Cleveland for the time being. But I'm proud of my little sister and how good her choices have been (on the other hand, Peter, we need to talk) and how happy she is. She's a good sister and she deserves to be happy! Also, I was able to steal back a candle she "borrowed" from me months ago, so I'm feeling generous.
1 comment:
Awe. I got a shout out! Just a little late reading but trying to catch up. Love ya big girl
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