"Yay, the weekend is over" isn't probably something that's uttered very often. I've probably never really said it before, but lately, I've been thinking it. I'm a creature of habit, and adverse to change, facts that have been well documented in this blog, and, most everytime I open my mouth. These past few months have been chock-full of change, and I've come to really enjoy my boring, run-of-the-mill weeks. During the week, I know exactly whats going to happen-- I'll wake up, probably late, head to the office, put in a full day trying to keep on top of my job, then head home, take Parker out for a walk, figure out dinner, watch TV or read, maybe mess around the house decorating, rearranging to make things look perfect, chase Parker around begging her to snuggle with me, etc. Then I'll head to bed, earlier than I'll admit, and fall asleep almost immediately.
That's my week in a couple run-on sentences with semi-suspect grammar (I tend towards too many commas and-- I LOVE hyphens!).
But weekends here lately have been one non-stop craziness after another. I've moved, visited home, visited my sister, spent time moving, gone on a work conference, gone to an Ole Miss game, and now, had a huge rummage sale- all in the last 6 weeks or so. My weekends are entirely too busy for me, and I've started to look forward to my boring, quiet weekdays. I'm sure that when I get settled in Ridgeland, things won't always be so quiet during the week, and things will also eventually settle down on the weekends, but for now things are crazy. Its the same pattern that happened when I moved to Cleveland. At first, I didn't know many people, and my week days were very quiet. And my weekends were spent traveling to visit friends and family since I didn't have any friends and family in the Delta yet.
Here's a few glimpses at this past weekend:
A couple weeks ago I was in Laurel and, out of nowhere, I got a craving for something sweet. This happens like once a year. But I needed something sweet, and, more importantly, I needed something from Teresa's bakery. I thought about it all morning, and decided that after Aunt Ju and I went to lunch, I'd run over to Teresa's. I arrived at 1:07. They closed at 1:00 p.m. Those 7 minutes have haunted me for two weeks. When I came back to Laurel this weekend, I decided I'd take on Teresa's again but this time I would win. And I did win. By eating some cookies. Excellent, tiny, nutty, chocolate-y bites of perfect cookies.
Teresa's Bakery in Laurel filled a void when M & M Bakery went out of business many years ago. M & M's is the best, hands down, no doubt. If you are lucky enough to remember that place, then you know what I mean. But Teresa's isn't a bad substitute. My favorites are the thumbprint cookies. I bought an assortment of things I liked and was gracious enough to share them with everyone this weekend.
Here are my thumbprint cookies- in chocolate and vanilla icing-- I can eat a ton of these. |
Then Betsy, Aunt Ju and I headed over to Southern Antique Mall. It's one of Laurel's great shopping places (I didn't get a change to hit up Bella Bella!).
After all our hard work getting ready for the rummage sale, I headed over to Aunt Ju's houses with Betsy, and we waited for Peter to roll in from Tennessee. We were tired and a little giddy, but the close-to-midnight snack from Teresa's perked me up.
However, Lulu wasn't happy with me eating and not sharing. She's staring at my cookie in this picture. So rude. |
After the rummage sale, we headed downtown to the Loblolly Festival... |
Where I had a fantastic sausage dog and some blueberry lemonade. Delicious. |
Resting our feet, watching the Ole Miss game together. |
Sunday morning, we hit Vic's for breakfast and a final meal together. Dad and Nicholas had gone to the Ole Miss game the day before, so we had a chance to catch up and laugh after a long weekend. The weekend was exhausting in a lot of ways, but sitting around, laughing with my family was a fantastic way to end the weekend, and get me ready for another boring week. This entire weekend was much more than I can ever, or will ever be able to adequately describe in words, but I was surrounded by my four favorite people. Also, Nick was there.
Tomato gravy and a porkchop biscuit from Vic's-- the best breakfast around. |
And on the way home, my car was so full of stuff, the only place for Parker was: