
Monday, August 22, 2011

Poptarts aren't for dinner, guys...

I mentioned yesterday that I had a dinner date last week with Nick and Dillon on Wednesday.  I was so excited for them to come see me in Cleveland.  They came earlier in the summer and we ate at Lost Pizza Company and they really liked it (Nick liked the pizza and the t-shirts, Dillon liked the cute girls behind the counter!).  They've been promising/threatening to come visit again, but it took all summer for them to make good on their promise/threat.  Late Wednesday afternoon, they pulled up to my office in Clarksdale and go to meet most of the people I work with and see my office.  I'm pretty sure they were very impressed. 

Then we headed home (but first the boys drove through the campus of Delta State.  If you've met Nick, you will understand this.  The kid is obsessed with college/high school campuses-- we always have to check out the football field and buildings of any school we come within 14 miles of).  The boys originally came over to check out trivia at Hey Joes (every Wednesday night at 8!) but we had some time to kill before it started, so we sat around and discussed my fantasy football league.  The boys think I am a total chucklehead, it seems, and forced me to drop a few players.  Only to realize that those were the best players I could get for those positions, so now I'm without any players there.  Who's the chucklehead now?  (answer: still me, for listening to them at all.) 

Nick played with Parker, Dillon played with my fantasy football league, and I didn't do a whole lot.  I was able to get rid of these yucky pop-tarts I bought last week (ice cream shoppe SOUNDED like a good pop-tart flavor.  But learn from me, readers.  Its not.  Luckily, boys will eat anything, so I sent them home with the entire box.  But not before they ate half of another box of regular, strawberry pop-tarts.)

We went to Hey Joe's, and, the boys, taking a page out of my book, "didn't have any money" to buy dinner.  So, being a sucker, I offered to pay.  We ordered an appetizer since I was starving and had only had one roll for lunch that day.  I go to speak to some friends on the other side of the restaurant.  I return.  Nick has eaten almost half of the appetizer.  By himself.  While Dillon watches.  Because they only had one fork.  Once we finally get another fork, I get to eat a total of about 2 bites before it is all gone.  I mean, seriously?  They ate the entire appetizer and HAD JUST EATEN TWO POP TARTS EACH not an hour before.  These boys will eat anything.  Just like Mikey.

We didn't play with my usual group for trivia, but we did pretty good until the last category, which is always music.  Its my weakest.  I pulled through with some good ones in the television category, but missed a few I should have known (didn't matter though, we still would have lost).  My back hurt from carrying my team during that category though.  Typically, anything to do with television I'm really good at.  Its sad. 

Despite the hunger pangs during the appetizer course and our embarrassing 4th place showing, it was a really fun night.  I love those boys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog