So I guess you've all been laughing at me behind my back these last few weeks and possibly even months, right? Last week's blog background mea culpa was bad enough but this week I'm ready to crawl into a hole and not come out for a while. I can only imagine the giggles and gossip that's been going on here lately. "Did you see her?" "Can you imagine?" "How brave of her to show her face".
My hair is two different lengths. One side is about an inch longer than the other side. I just noticed it, in the courthouse bathroom. So I've taken this picture to show everyone. Its humiliating. Plus, I'm not sure I've ever taken a picture of myself in the mirror of a public restroom. Yet another humiliating thing to check off today's list. Also? I am wearing just a white t-shirt, but before you tsk, tsk that a white t-shirt isn't very professional, let me interject that I am also wearing a long graige (gray-beige, the hot new color) sweater. But for purposes of the picture, I took it off.

I also tried to straighten my hair as long as possible and tilt my head a bunch of different ways to make sure I wasn't imagining the hair lengths. I'm not. I officially have two different lengths of hair on the sides of my head.
It reminds me of my sweet sister, who, many years ago, chopped her hair off. Super short. It took a LONG time to grow back. It was Christmastime, and our family had been in the Smoky Mountains for the holidays. My dad and Betsy came home a bit earlier than me and my mom. I don't know where Nicholas was. I'm guessing we didn't leave him up there, but I have no idea who he was with that this time. We get home, and we go see Dad and Betsy. Dad is acting a bit funny and Betsy is wearing a light blue ski cap, which were all the rage then. Dad then tells my mom that "Betsy cut her hair" and my mom freaks out and orders Betsy out of her room and to take off the ski cap. Betsy's hair is GONE. She had long, beautiful, past-her-shoulders hair. And now its this strange bowl-shaped haircut above her ears. My mom was FURIOUS. It was hilarious. I loved it when Betsy got in trouble!!
So my blog post has come full circle. Our family is headed back to the Smoky Mountains for Christmas. Parker, Nicholas and I leave first thing in the morning and the rest of the family will follow at various times. I'm so very excited. This year I've not been so much in the Christmas spirit and I've barely gotten much Christmas decorating or shopping done, and at this point, if its not done, its not getting done. I'm chalking this Christmas up to life getting in the way, but rest assured, next year I will be back in full force, so don't worry your pretty little reader heads. But this year I'm throwing in the towel and heading to the mountains. And I'm SUPER excited. Most of you know that my family went to the mountains for many years during junior high, high school and college, but after college, and my grandparents passing away, we stopped going. I've been two times since then, but not before Christmas, so it was different.
Most of my families' traditions are wrapped up in the mountains. We've spent the last 8 or so years having Christmas and going, "well, if we were in the mountains right now, we'd be going to Cade's Cove... or getting hot chocolate at that cute little shop... or eating at the Dixie Stampede... but since we aren't, we are sitting around looking at each other like idiots and watching CSI:Miami reruns." So, this year, we are BACK!! Watch out Gatlinburg! We plan to do lots of shopping, lots of eating, lots of nothing, Dixie Stampeding, ice skating, ziplining (new this year for us!) and certainly arguing.
I plan to blog as much as possible over the next few days, so you readers won't miss out on any of the fun!!!
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