
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I love going to court.  Not personally, of course, since I haven't had to go to court for personal reasons since that night back in '93 (and to be fair, that old lady was asking for it...).  But professional reasons.  Even when I disliked solo practice, I enjoyed getting to go to court.  There's something that requires your mind to be focused and sharp- you are constantly preparing for the next question and the next answer, thinking two steps ahead of where you are, noticing the small details, ready for anything.  And being a DHS Child Support attorney is just like that but like 100x more.  Before, in court, I had one, maybe two cases, with a few or more issues per case.  I was focused and ready for those two cases.  I knew those cases like the back of my hand (presumably!).  But now that I handle child support cases, its a whole different ballgame.  I have dozens and dozens of cases each court date.  I might know a lot about those cases, and I might know everything about a few of those cases, but there are always a few that I know nothing about.  Its all playing it by ear, looking confident, acting like you know what you are doing.  Bluffing, in a sense.  People ask questions, I answer as best I can- but since I'm the attorney, I'm expected to know the answer.  And most of the time, I totally do.   I know child support law pretty good now! 

And I love going to court-- I love it.  I'm the only attorney, and in the morning, its just me.  The Family Master comes in after lunch to hear some cases but for the most part, I'm on my own, totally in charge.  Love it! 

Recently, I've started filling in for other attorneys in different counties-- first Washington County some, now Bolivar County.  So, its even more of a challenge because I'm not familiar with these cases or these court procedures or how the specific judge handles things.  Its a bit nerve-wracking at first, but now I'm getting my sea legs and really enjoying it. 

Today, however, was an unusual court date.  In Coahoma County, like I mentioned, I'm in charge.  I'm sitting at the desk alone and I deal with the clients and the non-custodial parents entirely on my own.  So, if I'm not doing something, something is wrong.  I'm constantly seeing people, filling out their judgments, explaining their court papers to them, talking to them, organizing my docket, etc.  Its non-stop till the last case is heard.  Now that I write about it, its kinda exhausting!!! 

But today I was in Bolivar County for the first time, and Bolivar has a different judge and a different family master than Coahoma.  And they take the time to review the case, ask thoughtful questions, look over documents, etc.  Which is great.  But what it means for me is--- a lot of extra time with nothing to do.  So my mind wanders.  A lot.  Here are some of the things I thought about today. 

Arrerage is a strange word.  What is the plural of "arrearage"?  Should I have just said "the arrearage is" or "the arrerages are"? Does it really matter?  Did anyone even hear what I just said?  Amya is a strange name?  Am ya having fun?  Sounds like bad grammar.  Is that word Fergusson?  Plessy v. Ferguson.  What court case is that?  Is that the Ferguson factors for family law?  No, Ferguson is "separate but equal"?  I think?  I should really know that.  Oh wait, that word is not "Ferguson", its "forgiven".  Wow, big difference.  Wonder where that girl got her necklace?  I want to go back to Charming Charlie's soon.  I need to call my aunt and tell her I want to go to the beach soon so give me a weekend when the condo is free.  I forgot to call Betsy back this morning.  Ok I will do it later.  Why didn't I print out the FSUM screen?  Man, I did a terrible job on court prep this week.  Oh well.   

Seriously, this is a small portion of what I thought during the long pauses.  It was a smorgasbord of entirely useless stuff.  And it all was linked together in a way that made perfect sense in my mind.  Luckily for me (and readers of that boring, random paragraph above), the pauses didn't last too long and I was able to handle court fairly well today.  Its always a bit stressful for me to go into a new court for the first time, and this one was particularly stressful, but I think I did just fine!!!

1 comment:

DebCarr said...

Jessica, I am so in AWE of you! You amaze me with your intelligence and wit and creativity!! I love YOU!!