
Monday, January 2, 2012


So I'm back.  Its been a while since I've blogged and my last few months have been full of all sorts of great and not-so-great things, and honestly, I just ran out of excitement about blogging.  It also didn't help that my family constantly nagged me about why I hadn't blogged and therefore, I was forced to simply quit blogging for a while just to make them even madder. 

But I miss blogging and I miss all you many, many, readers, so I've decided to get back into the blogging swing of things.  I won't be promising to blog everyday, or even every week (that's HARD to do, folks!! but I do promise to blog as often as I want to! 

I would have started blogging yesterday, just to get the new year started off in a good way, but that's really so very cliche.  I do have a few New Year's Resolutions that I'd like to share with you all!

1.  Stop forgetting which day is trash day.

2.  Subscribe to a local newspaper. 

3.  Get to work on-time.  Occasionally. 

4.  Snuggle more with Parker.

5.  Learn how to block all tv channels I don't get so I won't get my hopes up. 

Parker has a couple resolutions as well. 

1.  Wear her hair in a ponytail more often. 

2.  Snuggle more with Jessica. 

What are your resolutions, dear readers? 

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