Love Actually is my most favorite holiday film. My second most favorite holiday film is "Christmas Comes to Willow Creek", starring the Duke brothers themselves, Tom Wopat and John Schneider.

I have this 1987 classic on VHS, complete with the original commercials-- taped by my granddaddy years and years ago, and given to me years later! I LOVE it! What's not to love about two brothers and one teenagers taking a truck full of gifts and supplies to a fledgling Alaskan town-- stopping along the way to fall in love, gamble in Reno, deliver a baby and meet an angel. Why are you still reading this and not on-line buying this movie right now????!!! Its the best!!!
Back to the point of my post. Love Actually. Best. Holiday. Movie. Ever. Perhaps Best Movie Ever. Certainly best cast ever! Everyone good is in this movie! It came out when I was in law school and it reminds me of a wonderful time in my life and its one of the only movies I remember watching in the theater three times (in Tupelo, nonetheless!) I love it-- I love thinking about how many different ideas of love are out there-- romantic, familial, friendship, all different types. I'm really lucky to have lots of people I love in my life (all you readers!!!!)
Last night Emilee and I had a "Date Night" and watched Love Actually in order to get in the Christmas spirit! After reading my previous blog about the Paula Deen Creamy, Dreamy Spinach and Bacon dip, Em pointed out that its not a good idea to make a new recipe for a ton of people without trying it first! Being the wonderful cousin she is, Em graciously offered to be my guinea pig and let me make the dip for her last night. I did and it was WONDERFUL!!!!!! Its a totally fantastic recipe-- it smelled so good while it was cooking that I could barely stand to wait for the timer!

Doesn't that look fine? And we used a big ole spoon to get that stuff-- as Em says, "we weren't playing!".

We ate it with corn chips and it was all we ate-- but it was a great meal! We even forgot to make the homemade hot chocolate that Em loves!

I hope that last night was the beginning of a fabulous holiday season! Em and I both love Christmas and I think this year, more so than in the past, we really want to be able to relax and enjoy this time of year, and I believe we both deserve a really fabulous Christmas. And Christmas is all about being honest and being with the people you love. I'm super blessed to have great people surrounding me, and I'm lucky that they can see me and my life much more clearly than I can. If only I'd listen to them!! So, I'll close this post by being honest about how great a person my dear cousin Em is-- she's more than a cousin to me, and I'm so proud of how wonderful and fantastic a person she is and has become. She's so incredibly strong and she's my person to lean on when I'm not so strong! I love you, Em...
1 comment:
I was just telling someone last week that one of my favorite Christmas movies is "Love Actually"! LOVE IT!! And im pretty sure I went went with you all three times you saw it at the movies :)
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