Watch Glee Tonight!
Fox 9/8c
Its the best thing on TV (thus far) this fall. I'm in love with those show. And I'm tired of the ridiculous tv shows that everyone else seems to love. TV should be fun, interesting, and enjoyable. It should NOT be about watching some twenty-something living in the big city, with a fake job and fake friends and fake drama. It should NOT be about a bunch of skanky girls throwing themselves at whatever man is the subject of that particular show, claiming to be so in love. And it should NOT be about a bunch of people stuck in a house. I mean really? Don't we have better things to do? I admit that I am not discriminatory in my tv-watching, and that tivo has opened up a lot of shows, some great, some otherwise, and that I probably watch more tv that you do. But, I try to at least pick shows that are uplifting, interesting and good for mankind. And Glee is all of these things. Its fun, its different, its positive. Watch it!
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