
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Being Thankful...

Today I am trying to remember to be thankful, and I recall an article a long time ago (probably in a Reader's Digest-- my dad gets two gift subscriptions with his subscription each year-- me and my Aunt Ju!) about a woman who took an entire year of her life and each night, before bed, she wrote down 5 things she was thankful for during the day. According to my recollection of the story, she said it changed her life and allowed her to focus on the good things in her life, and not the bad things. So, here is my mini-version:

5 things I am thankful for today:

1. A good parking space at the post office. My post office has three areas to park-- one is excellent-- all the parking spots are close to the door, but unfortunately are parallel to the post office and you have to be coming from the other direction than I usually am! The other area is a bit further away but it nicely shaded. And the last one is the worst-- its across a very busy 4 lane street and I nearly get killed each time I have to park there. Obviously, this area is typically empty! Today I got a very close parking spot, in the shade. Sometimes I will make the block a couple times to get such a good park!

2. Sarah, the little girl in the convertible jeep-like vehicle next to me at the red light. She waved at me, smiled, then asked my name. I rolled down my window and had a delightful conversation with this delightful little girl. In my mind she was going swimming or something equally as fun, and she sure made my trip to pay my power bill much more enjoyable.

3. The ladies at the bank here in Decatur. I had to open an account and spent a long time in there today. Most of these ladies I know from growing up, but they were all so nice about my family, telling me stories about my grandfather, and pleased about my dad's new job, and were so great and encouraging about me working up here as a lawyer. It made me feel really good.

4. Boiled peanuts at Spankys-- love boiled peanuts. Reminds me of the time I tried to make them myself. It seems like an easy thing to do, right? Nah. Easier to buy them.

5. Bunko tonight at my friend Sonji's house! As all three of my readers know, I am in TWO bunko groups. That's right, I really like rolling the dice! One in Newton and one in Laurel. Last night I had the Laurel bunko group and had a good time, as always. And tonight, continuing the theme, is Bunko in Newton. And its at my friend Sonji's house, and I always love going there. She's fantastic! Hopefully i will continue my winning streak that I started last night and win a prize! I love both my bunko groups and all the girls are so wonderful! Its so nice to get to see them each week!!! (Note: I tried to find a picture of dice for this post and bunko, and all my searches came up with mostly pictures of Andrew Dice Clay! Ha! That guy's still around??

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