I know all my avid readers are glad I'm back from my DisneyWorld trip! I've actually been back for a long time, but it seemed that as soon as I got back, lots of stuff started happening and I'm just now getting caught up! I'm glad to be back to, but it was one of the most fun vacations I've ever had! I was absolutely obnoxious about taking pictures, so I'll have a lot to post about at a later date. Today I'm going to post a little bit and then get back to being a bum. I'm also planning to clean the kitchen and do a bit of work, so we'll see how that goes. Its just good to be home with the beautiful weather we've had and knowing Fall is finally here! These next three months are the best three months of any year, at least to me, so I'm looking forward to good things happening for me and those I love.
So, now to get back to what I know you're all DYING to hear about--- HARRY POTTER!!! I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on my vacation and it was absolutely worth the extra money I spent! I had the best time! I went by myself since the other girls had to head on home but that didn't bother me a bit. Here are some of the pictures from my trip-- a random sampling, if you will. Since its my blog, I'll be posting in detail, of course, many other pictures I took, and since its your life, you don't have to read those posts. But for now....
Our trip was a "Girls Trip" with 4 other women-- Allison, Lesley, Shelby and Sonya. I was a bit apprehensive about this trip because I only knew Allison pretty well, Lesley somewhat and had only recently met Shelby and Sonya, AFTER this trip was planned! And traveling can be stressful anyway, so I was a bit nervous-- but it was all for naught as we got along wonderfully! I really had a blast and hope they did too! I love these girls!!
Friday, Shelby and I headed down to Destin where Allison, Lesley, their families and two other couples had been at the beach all week. Lesley cooked spaghetti and we had a good time relaxing before out 5:45 a.m. departure. Here we are fixing our plates (you can see the steam off the spaghetti pot! We were concerned because we'd heard there was celery in this recipe, but it turned out delicious!) Thats Shelby in the light blue, Allison in the dark blue and Lesley's husband, Eric.

Here are Wyatt, Gracie and Campbell. Wyatt and Campbell are Lesley's children, and I met that that evening- but they were so cute! And adorable Gracie (Allison's daughter) has been in my class at church before and she is just about the most precious thing I've ever met! Love Gracie!

First Day - Epcot!!

Back to Earth after a 3D Space Mission to Mars:

Second Day - Magic Kingdom - obviously they knew I was coming because they decorated for my favorite season-- coincidence? I think not!

Shelby and Allison on tram ride from parking lot:

Visited Minnie's house but she wasn't there. Girl has good taste though!

The next day we went to Hollywood studios where we rode the Tower of Terror-- TWICE! It was so fun and we barely had to wait! The second time, Sonya was brave enough to hold her hands above her head, but yours truly never let go of her death grip on the seat!

Lots of stuff we did that week required 3D glasses:

A soldier guarding the super cool Toy Story ride!

At Hollywood studios:

Beauty and the Beast was the most fun!

We ate at the Brown Derby at Hollywood Studios-- the best Cobb Salad! My favorite meal of the week! After we ate, the rain came down:

We took refuge at the American Idol Experience Finals!

Later that night we hit Downtown Disney where I proceeded to spend way too much money on souvenirs (most of which I've not even unpacked!) in just a few minutes. I spent the rest of the time people watching. These Lego tourists were apparently fascinated by me and kept trying to take my picture. As Betsy would say, paparazzi. It comes with being a VIP.

Allison and I at Epcot

Lady who made the coolest animals out of candy. Unfortunately, we didn't get to taste or even buy any, but it was still neat!!

Since I was a Disney newbie (I'd been before but it was years ago-- like Nicholas was a toddler!), my girls were very nice and let me pick what we would do and they took good care of me!! And at the end of the week, I was brave enough to venture a ride on the monorail all by myself!!! They were so proud of their grown up little girl!!

And finally, the most important thing I bought on the trip-- the best $5 I've ever spent-- to keep me semi-dry the day it poured in Epcot!

Now dear readers, rest assured, this is simply a random smattering of my pictures from my trip-- I still have literally hundreds more to show you! Lucky you!!! From time to time, I might add some more pictures and expand on my trip, but for now, this is all the time I have (lucky you!). However, there will be more about my Harry Potter visit!!