Its finally fall! I love love love the fall season and its finally here! I know its finally here because I've begun waking up with a sore throat in the mornings. This is the best time of year, and it leads right up to Christmas time!
Of course, for most people, fall is synonymous with football! As all the faithful blog readers know, I've been tailgating at Ole Miss in the Grove for nearly all my life. As a young whippersnapper (fun word!), we mostly just went to the game and visited other people's tents, but as I got older, specifically, in high school, my family began setting up our own tents and tailgating our own way. We've had several incarnations of the tent, several different locations (still mad we gave up our great location at the Crossroads), and many different people with whom we've set up. However, these past couple years, since law school, I've not gone to as many game, and not really been in the spirit of things at the Grove. And when I do go to the Grove, I rarely make it to the game.
Its hard to admit, but there was something missing for me these last couple football seasons. Perhaps its because I have such GREAT, wonderful memories of the Grove, throughout high school, certainly in college, and in law school. And then, boom, I graduate, I leave Oxford, and nothing is the same. It was actually hard for me to return. My sister didn't understand my hesitation about coming back, but for some reason, returning to Oxford for Game Day was much harder than anticipated, and a bit sad. Made me wish I was still up there so much I couldn't hardly stand it. Not to mention it was a heck of a lot more effort-- getting up early, making the 4 hour drive, rarely having a place to stay. Exhausting.
Luckily for me, this feeling has finally passed. Maybe its something all alumni go through-- you must get a bit of time between you and your great memories in order to truly enjoy going back. I don't know. But I do know that I am ready for football season again!
Its really exciting to get ready for the football games, and get to see old friends again! I cannot wait!!!
This link is to a website with a really good video from a news show about the Grove-- I cannot figure out how to be all fancy and link it directly to my site (that's way too much for me at this early stage), but its a good watch and got me all fired up for football! I especially like the guy at the end who talks about why the Grove is so special to Ole Miss Rebels-- basically, everyone has special memories from the Grove-- when they were in college, graduations, weddings, game days, etc. And going back to the Grove brings back those great memories. He put it much better than I did!!