
Monday, May 30, 2011

# 135 Ground Zero and Lemon Cake

After our run-in with the hungry snake (sorry Mom!), Melinda and I, ourselves quite hungry, continued on to Clarksdale, where we ate lunch at the famous Ground Zero Blues Club. We didn't see Morgan Freeman, but we had a really good meal.

Ground Zero. I think I see my old corduroy loveseat from college-- dad bought it for me at a garage sale. Thanks Dad!

Melinda and I!

People write everywhere here-- even on the pool table, despite several signs that say, over and over "do not write on the pool table".

Now here is where the night got wild-- while eat lunch, we perused a magazine called "Legends" and it has all sorts of artsy stuff from all over MS, including an article about Ground Zero and Morgan Freeman. So, we notice this yummy looking lemon cake recipe-- and I look closer and realize its an article and recipe by Leigh Ann Whittle, a lady from Newton. She has recipes in the Newton Appeal and I saw recently where she does a spot on some Meridian news show with tips and recipes. Since you all know what a great cook I am, we decide to make the cake (I'm not posting the article but it has a shout-out to the Piggly Wiggly in Newton-- former employer of yours truly-- seriously, the Pig made I what I am today. There's a plaque and everything on the wall there. Be impressed. Also? Check out the ad for the Pig next to the recipe-- its hard to read in this picture, but the top says "the Leading Grocery Store in Newton County." I'm pretty sure those are fighting words to the IGA in Decatur.)

So we got out my new fancy mixer. You may recall last weeks excursion to Indianola with Nick and Dillon-- and my "finder's fee" was the warming platter and this mixer-- finally putting it to good use!!

Start out with two made-from-scratch cakes--

Put them together with the yummy, made-from-scratch-as-well icing in the middle. We didn't have to of the same pans, so these aren't exactly the same size. We were hoping the icing would mask the mistakes.

It didn't.

But who cares? This cake was great! The icing was amazing, even if it looked absolutely nothing like the cake in the picture with Leigh Anne. Next time I see her in the Pig, I will have to bring this matter up.

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